Groups for finding Housing, Sublets, & Roommates in DC

Real estate in DC is expensive and competitive.  Due to timing, you will most likely have to take whatever’s available.

Keep reading to find out the best groups for finding a room to rent in DC.

Bonus: A Facebook group for instant social life!

DMV Housing Connections

Facebook group with over 29k members

Seeking home rental and ownership in the DC Metropolitan Area – This group is to help one another out by sharing info to assist each other in ways that’s helpful for HOUSING for an array of us working, who has vouchers or assistance, waiting list, etc and also just looking to relocate.

DC, Northern Virginia, and Maryland Housing, Sublets, and Roommates

Facebook group with over 30k members

This group is for finding a place to live, people to sublease to, or roommates to share your adventure with. In college, these groups were so useful when looking for a place to live. Why stop in college? Facebook is useful for introducing common connections. Lets make this a productive place to help with housing needs.

Queer Housing Washington, DC

Facebook group with over 12.7k members

Queer Housing-DC was created for queer and queer-friendly individuals in the Washington, DC area to connect with other like minded individuals seeking and/or offering housing.

This is the District of Columbia’s free affordable housing listing and search engine, where you can find everything from accessible homes to affordable rental and for-sale homes. Users can also find helpful resources such as renter’s rights information, assistance programs, and an affordability calculator.


For when you want to get flaked on for viewing appointments.


PadMapper makes apartment hunting less awful, almost fun. It does this by plotting apartments on a big map, and letting you filter for exactly what you want.

World Bank & IMF Bulletin Board

Make an account using your personal email address. Great for people working on short-term contracts but on the pricier end. Also includes job postings for au pairs and language tutors.

BONUS: Welcome2DC

Facebook group with over 10.3k members

​New in town? Or a seasoned veteran of the area? Join this group as we share our DC insider tips and welcome newcomers.

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